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Wayne FLeming Will writing & Estate Planning

Director Wayne Fleming FCA CTA TEP
Wayne Fleming FCA CTA TEP

As individuals, the final tax burden is Inheritance Tax, which is charged on the estate that is left behind.

Every year, the tax office receives billions of pounds from this tax. Like all taxes, it can be managed and minimised where possible provided that the appropriate level of planning is undertaken at the correct time.

This tax has developed over the years with the last significant change taking place in April 2017, where additional reliefs were made available in respect of the family home – as ever with strict criteria needing to be met.

This is still a major consideration for many people both in terms of the tax position and ensuring that assets reach the intended people.

I offer a high level of expertise in relation to the sensitive matter of planning for your death. This will cover both ensuring your desired wishes of what is inherited by whom are met; together with practical advice on how this can be best achieved to hopefully minimise any Inheritance Tax arising – subject to any contrary opinion by the tax authorities.

I am focused on ensuring that your ultimate wishes are met at a time when you are no longer able to do so – which is why I do not only offer Will Writing Services, but an all-encompassing Estate Planning Service; brought about by my many years of dealing with all manner of different taxes.

I feel this expertise and experience allows me to offer a far better service than that provided by a Solicitor or a Will Writer, as they may just focus on the Will and not any of the tax consequences.

Providing Professional advice on the following:

  • Estate Planning & Asset Protection
  • Wills
  • Lasting Powers of Attorney
  • Living Wills

All of which are personally drawn up by myself based on our discussions and your decisions.
If you already have a Will, I offer a free review service to ensure that it still adequately reflects your current intentions.

Indeed, any Will should be regularly reviewed to ensure it reflects any changes that have occurred since it was drafted; such as changes:

  • To your personal circumstances
  • To the Inheritance Tax regulations
  • To those appointed in your Will
  • To the assets referred to in your Will

Once reviewed, it should then be updated, if applicable.